13 Mai 2024

Du kennst Gaba ?

Ziziphus spina-christi1
Local name(s)
Gaba, Kurkura (Amargna)(?), Geba (Tigrigna)

General description

Z. spina-christi is spiny shrub or tree up to 10m in height. On wet sites it is an evergreen but it looses all it leaves during the dry season. The species is long living.  The bark is grey-brown, when cut at the edge it is reddish, matured bark is grooved and cracking. The paired spines are 'thump pointer', the straight thorns long and thin. Its branches are intertwined and yellow-white in colour and form an impenetrable thicket. Flowers are small, 10-25 in number besides leaves, yellow-green in colour, stalks and calyx hairy white. Fruits are yellow and ~2cm in diameter (see picture below), when dried the colour turns reddish.



Harry der Zeichner


Vermietung Kleinkunstbühne: RALF KUHTZ 01702830944

Onkel Fabse an der ELZ